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Title Cases of misuse of the report of the consultation
Posted by KIP Life Crisis (ip:)
  • Date 2022-04-18
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Consultation on Life Crisis guides you to transform life crisis into an opportunity to restore happiness and prevent future life crisis. 

It takes time, effort, and expense to take Consultation on Life Crisis.


Some people misuse the report of the consultation to make profit. Then, they cannot but destroy their own life.  

It is recommended that you must not misuse the report of the consultation.


1. The case of using the report to attack other people

Some people interpret the contents of the report arbitrarily and they are convinced that other people are to blame for their life crisis. 

The report of consultation on life crisis provides you with how to find the root cause of life crisis and how to solve life crisis. It does not provide any basis for relating life crisis with other people. 

2. The case of using the report to make profit

Some people try to induce sympathy from other people to make profit.  They may try to meddle in other people's life and take their body, mind, or money. 

인The report of Consultation on Life Crisis should not be used for other purposes than overcoming and preventing one's own life crisis. 


3. The case of using the report for legal cases

Some people use the report as evidence for legal cases that works for their favor.

인The report of Consultation of Life Crisis is not meant to be used as evidence in lawsuits.  


4. The case of using the report to show off 

Some people try to show the report to other people to induce sympathy and forgiveness. They may try to feel superior by showing off with the report.

They may end up aggravating their life crisis. 


5. The case of using the report to attack KIP or demand refund. 

Some people use the report to criticize KIP programs. They may argue that the program is unreliable and ineffective and usually demand refund or even file a lawsuit against KIP.  The report is provided only to guide you to diagnose your condition and suggest right solutions  based on the Theory of Mimind and Xesmind.  


6. The case of using the report to apply the method to other people

Some people use the report to modify the contents and develop their own method of consultation and try to make profit.

It is the violation of copyright law and  a crime that destroys people's life.  


There are other ways to misuse the report of Consultation on Life Crisis in ways other than those described above. 


Please, do not misuse the report of Consultation on Life Crisis to aggravate your condition as well as others'. 

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